Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What happened to the Astro Price Hike?

Recently we've been hearing about the Telco implementing a 6% GST on prepaid mobile users and as of late they have retracted the decision and from what i have read, until after next GE. So i'll leave that topic for later.

For now, i'm wondering what has happened to the Astro price hike? The supposedly "authorities" has deemed it illegal yet there has been no action taken. Recently there has been complaints from Astro customers that they have been boycotting the new bill payment and are paying the usual fee. Now they are receiving letters from Astro threatening to take legal actions against the customers.  Will the supposedly "authorities" support the customers whom are only exercising their rights. How is it going to end?

Why Astro's price hike is not justifiable and the nonsense that comes with it.
1) Astro has gained far more revenue through advertisement. Can you imagine paying a high monthly fee and yet every 10 minutes through a show, there will be a commercial break of 3-4 minutes in length? Not to mention the repetitions of the shows and not many new ones.

2) MCMC (the supposedly "authorities") says the price hike is without their consent. But where is the action? I don't see MCMC actually taking any legal action against Astro. Does this mean that the supposedly "authorities" have no power what so ever?  Turning a blind side on Astro or is MCMC afraid of Astro?

3) Astro service will be interrupted during bad weather. If its raining, you'll have a BSOD (a term used by computer geeks as Blue Screen Of Death or in Astro's case, Blank Screen of Death). You wont get any channels through the rain. And guess what? Malaysia has 2 rainy seasons (or should i say monsoon seasons).

The customers are indefinitely not getting their money's worth. And to make things even more dire, the economy is terrible.

I don't know if it makes any difference. Currently there are only 18K of signatures but for those who wish to participate in the petition to deny Astro's price hike, you can click here. It seems like its a dead end, but i guess its worth a shot.

Customers are no longer in power. The only ultimatum left is to completely terminate the subscription which what i have done and dedicate my entertainment budget elsewhere. Its the only way i can feel in power again and not to rely on supposedly "authorities" whom often enough, talk the talk but never walk the walk.

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